About Shallon
Shallon is a small business, local to Brentwood Bay on Vancouver Island. Our goal is to bring sustainable home and lifestyle products to the island, and bring beauty to the everyday! From laundry soap, to makeup, to dish sponges, everything is carefully sourced right here in Canada.
Shallon opened its doors in July of 2021, and we continue to grow our range of products, and our relationship with the community. We're happy to answer any questions you may have at info@shallonnaturals.ca or you're welcome to pop in for a visit!
Where did the Name Shallon Come From?
The name Shallon comes from the scientific name for the salal plant, Gaultheria Shallon, which is native to the west coast. The berries of this plant are edible, and were once eaten by coastal Native Americans, including the Chinook, who gave the plant its common name, salal. This plant grows wild all over Vancouver Island, and is a wonderful source for foraging. The Shallon plant is also featured in our logo as a beautiful representative of our local eco-system, which reminds us to connect to the beauty of nature that surrounds us.
Our Shop Dog
Mabel (full name Mabel June Milner) is the Shallon Naturals shop dog. Our beloved furry friend is always ready to welcome you with a wagging tail, and perhaps a short howling song. Mabel is 11 years old but always keeps her puppy-ish joy. Her favourite activities are field-running, fetch and begging for snacks, and she absolutely loves kids of any age (especially if they give her scratches!)
Get in touch.
If you have any questions or product inquiries, feel free to send us an E-mail, or drop in for a visit at 7175 West Saanich Road in Brentwood Bay!